Get advice before jumping to Universal Credit

If you are receiving income based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Working tax credit, Child tax credit or Housing Benefit and your circumstances haven’t changed – please wait for the DWP to contact you to move you on to Universal Credit.  If you are thinking of applying independently, consider the following words of warning:

1)    After you start the application for Universal Credit you cannot revert back to your current benefits (for some people this will mean a drop in income and will certainly involve a delay between the end of the legacy payment and the start of the Universal Credit payment).

2)    As someone ‘choosing to migrate’ you will not have access to any potential transitional protection (to help you manage a possible reduction in benefit)

3)    The Department of Works and Pension will move you on to Universal Credit between 2019 and March 2022 anyway – so why the rush??

If you have a change in circumstances, for example because you are working more or less hours or move in with someone, you may trigger a claim for Universal Credit – this is unavoidable. If this happens you will also lose your right to transitional protection.  For more detail about the circumstances that might trigger a move to Universal Credit please go to

IMPORTANT: Universal Credit does not include help with your Council Tax. You must claim Council Tax Support separately, from your local council.

For free, confidential and impartial advice about Universal Credit, please call us on 01799 618840 or alternatively speak to the Benefits Department of Uttlesford District Council on 01799 510 510.